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Human Security Centre Analysis of Issues in Europe

“Love is stronger than fear”: Russia’s protest movement beyond Navalny

Alexey Navalny’s arrest and sentencing brought the people of Russia to the streets, but it was anger at their current situation that kept them there. The ill-treatment you are likely to experience if you disagree with the government, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, and years of declining living standards all combined to generate Russia’s largest-scale demonstrations in nearly a decade.

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The return of US involvement in the Western Balkans

In the Western Balkans, the Biden administration has all the tools necessary to achieve successful political and economic transformation. The newly-elected POTUS has a deep understanding of the region, and is all too aware that the carrot and the stick are more effective when there is agreement and mutual support between the European Union and the United States.

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Unmanned Aerial Systems in Nagorno-Karabakh: A Paradigm Shift in Warfare?

There has been a tendency among researchers and policy-makers studying the evolution and deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles, referred to colloquially as drones, to discount their contemporary effectiveness in inter-state conflict. However, the recent conflict in and around the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh has in some ways challenged that assumption

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Navalny, Novichok and Nord Stream 2

Anti-corruption campaigner and leading Russian political oppositionist Alexei Navalny has been poisoned with the nerve agent ‘Novichok’. With the international community now demanding a full and transparent enquiry into the incident, it appears that this is yet another sign that the Kremlin’s grisly method of dealing with dissidents has indeed become an intrinsic facet of state policy in Russia.

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No going back: the dawn of a new world in Belarus

The people of Belarus are standing firm in their convictions, and have not given in even when faced with violence and oppression. In order to succeed now, and achieve their goal of a democratic country, they need concrete international support. The days of dictatorial rule and control must come to an end – and the Belarus that people are fighting for must become a reality.

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A Comparative Overview of European Neutral States’ Armed Forces Part II: Aerial and naval assets, and an analysis of neutrality

In a previous article from the Human Security Centre on the topic of neutral European states, the concept of neutrality was examined in relation to how Switzerland, Austria and Ireland have put neutrality into practice, including a history of neutrality in each of these countries, followed by an analysis of conventional ground-based military assets. This second article which looks into aerial and naval military assets, and examines how neutrality is practiced as a foreign policy by these three countries.

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‘Turkey’s aggression threatens to destabilise the Mediterranean and fracture NATO’ – HSC Senior Fellow

Human Security Centre (HSC) Senior Fellow Simon Schofield has had a comment piece examining Turkey's foreign policy ambitions published in Reaction. In the article, he outlines how Ankara's conflict with Athens over maritime Exclusive Economic Zone boundaries and sponsorship of jihadists represent the latest manifestation of a Turkish foreign policy approach that risks undermining NATO and the West.

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