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House of Lords International Relations and Defence Committee published HSC evidence on the implications of the War in Ukraine for UK Defence

The House of Lords International Relations and Defence Committee has published the HSC's evidence on the implications of the war in Ukraine for UK defense. The inquiry comes as the conflict enters its third summer and Russia has intensified its offensive operations.

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Seeking Justice and Accountability – The Joint Application to the ICJ and Path to the ICC for Syrian Torture and War Crimes

The joint application to the ICJ by Canada and the Netherlands, alongside the international efforts to bring Iranian and Syrian military officials to account for alleged war crimes at the ICC, mark significant steps toward achieving justice and accountability for the victims of the long-lasting Syrian conflict.

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“Zone of Unlaw” – A Longstanding Struggle for Stability in Ein el Hilweh Camp

Addressing the root causes of the crisis, including socio-economic insecurity and political tensions, is imperative for establishing lasting peace and security within the camp. The international community must remain committed to supporting humanitarian efforts, facilitating dialogue and advocating for the rights and dignity of the refugees.

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