Despite its tight budget, the U.K. continues to make a major contribution to Western security. But Brexit and financial miscalculation now present a potentially crippling threat to the British military.
Read More »Long-Range Precision Fires: a budget conventional deterrent for Europe
The deployment of a missile deterrent in Europe based upon the Long Range Precision Fires programme would present Russia with the prospect of rapid retaliation to any aggression.
Read More »HSC senior fellow comments on Australia’s role in North Korea
The Diplomat magazine has carried analysis by HSC senior fellow Rowan Allport on the possible role of the Australian military in a new Korean War
Read More »HSC senior fellow comments on US missile defence strategy
RealClear Defense has published HSC senior fellow Rowan Allport's call for the US to adopt a Aegis-based homeland missile defence system as part of its strategy for defeating the threat from cruise and ballistic missiles.
Read More »Heading North: the Queen Elizabeth-class carriers and a new maritime strategy
As Britain comes to grips with a series of (largely self-inflicted) political traumas, the country’s security focus is becoming increasingly rationalised around its NATO commitments. Whilst they were conceived of in a different era, the Queen Elizabeth-class have the potential – if properly supported – to greatly aid this mission.
Read More »Sliding Oars: Alternative Visions for the US Navy
That there is a need to rebuild the US Navy is disputed by few in the mainstream. Initially at least, readiness needs to be prioritised by beginning to clear the many years of deferred maintenance that have undermined the fleet. But in the longer run, building up both numbers and capabilities matter.
Read More »Fire and Ice: The Defence of Norway and NATO’s Northern Flank
Following an extended period in which Norway could focus its military efforts in the Middle East and Asia, Oslo is now having to face threats closer to home. NATO also has a major role in the defence of Norway and the surrounding region, but serious questions remain over the progress it has made in meeting the challenges on its northern flank.
Read More »What NATO Did Next
With the inadequacy of the immediate defensive measures taken by NATO as a result of the Ukraine crisis now clear both in their own terms and in light of Russia's actions in Syria, the alliance has embarked on a build-up that is helping to close the defensive gap.
Read More »The Case for a New US Tactical Nuclear Weapon
Facing a $1 trillion bill to recapitalise its nuclear triad, the US should now seek to assess the purpose for which it is sustaining its nuclear force not just in the context of symbolism, but for the practical value it can provide to the defence of its interests.
Read More »Rebuilding the British Army
For a brief period after SDSR 2015, it looked like the British Army might be about to enjoy a mini-renaissance. But in a even if it proves possible to drastically improve the mass, readiness and combat support of the deployable force, the planned reforms may do little to solve the deeper problems the Army faces.
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