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Security and Defence

Team Leader: Dr Rowan Allport – Senior Fellow

Our research on security and defence focuses on analysis of Western foreign policy,  international security issues and cyber-security. The group maintains a strong regional expertise on the MENA region.

Bosnia: An Unfinished Intervention

July saw the deployment of a pair of British Army reconnaissance platoons to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to provide additional support to the EU-led peacekeeping force in the run-up to the October 2014 general election. This latest move marks a continuation of British military involvement in the country that has (with a few gaps) so far lasted twenty-two years.

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Enabling Intervention: Looking towards the 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review

When the history of the current Coalition Government is written, probably their single gravest set of errors will be able to be summed up in four letters: SDSR. The October 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review, thrown together in just five months, will go down in history as a textbook example of what happens when short-term financial and political considerations are allowed to undermine sound defence thinking.

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Opportunity and Risk in Japan’s military normalisation

Last week, the Japanese cabinet undertook a significant shift in their country’s defence policy, by agreeing to reinterpret the constitutional limits on the use of force in a less strict manner. The new understanding of the restrictions of Article 9 now allow for Japanese “collective self-defense” as well as military intervention to protect its treaty allies.

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