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The Policy Unit

The Policy Unit produces topical and timely analysis on major policy issues in international affairs, including human rights issues, foreign policy analysis and conflict monitoring. This division is responsible for the production of the Human Security Centre’s regular Policy Briefings.

Human rights in Crimea: A lost cause or a growing cause of concern?

Minority abuse and impunity in the face of grave violations of human rights should not be accepted in silence and the plight of the Crimeans must be given the attention it deserves. It must be possible to hold Russia responsible for its illegal actions while simultaneously recognising that Crimea, and in particular the Crimean population, is the victim.

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Learning not to forget: Our short memory of conflict and its long term consequences

We are guilty, notably in the developed world, of focusing our attention on issues we deem of immediate importance at the expense of long term intractable conflicts. However, what we continuously fail to recognise is how those issues we have never prioritised, and those we long ago forgot, continue to drastically shape our economic stability and security.

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Natural Resources: the Overlooked Link in Peacemaking

The latter half of the 20th century, despite being mired in the depths of the Cold War, was a period in which human technological advancements dramatically increased the standard of living for countless individuals around the globe. The drastic acceleration of global industrialisation during this period has been fuelled by natural resource development, often occurring in some of the world’s poorest states. The pursuit of wealth generated from resource development essential for our modern conveniences has significantly contributed to conflict in many regions, several of which are ecologically sensitive areas.

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