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Malawi – Forced Labour and Human Trafficking Continues to Supply Big Tobacco

The combination of human trafficking and forced labour in Malawi continues to go hand in hand, often overlooked by corporate entities that remain entirely complacent. National implementations aimed to protect victims of these offences have consistently fallen short of genuine protection, bottlenecked by poor training, knowledge and the inconsistent application of key legislation designed to mitigate such damaging crimes.

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Mali’s Abandonment of Committed Partners in Favor of Russia’s Wagner Group

Throughout the summer of 2022, the military regime in Mali took a series of steps under the influence of Russia to isolate itself from its international military and political partners. This decline in access to hard power was counteracted by the introduction of the Russian private military company the Wagner Group, with its alleged heavy ties to the Kremlin.

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From Bad to Worse – How the UK’s Counterintuitive Rwanda Agreement Fails to Meet Britain’s International Obligations

The UK has, albeit not admittingly, attempted to palm off their international obligations upon another State. This attempt is not only non-permissible under international law but also does not relieve the UK of their obligations to the Refugee Convention, of which they are a signatory party.

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Mercenary Work – New Relationship Between Suspected Russian ‘Wagner Group’ and Mali Armed Forces Leaves 300 Dead

On 1 April 2022, the Malian government proudly announced their successes during a recent operation in Moura that left an estimated 300 ‘militants’ dead. Between 23 and 31 March, the Malian army and suspected Russian mercenary counterparts, Wagner Group (WG), summarily executed these estimated 300 men.

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