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Asia and Pacific

Human Security Centre Research in the Asia-Pacific Region

The CSTO and its deployment in Kazakhstan

In October 2007, the CSTO agreed to create a ‘Peacekeeping Force’ that could deploy under a United Nations (UN) mandate, or, within one of its member states without a UN mandate. And in January 2022, the CSTO would, for the first time, deploy collective military forces in the form of ‘peacekeepers’, when violent protests sparked a domestic crisis in Kazakhstan.

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Another year, another Prime Minister: prospects for Japanese foreign policy under Kishida -“selective hawkishness”?

How long Kishida remains in office depends on the potentially uncomfortable choices he will have to make: as the moderate leader of a conservative-dominated party, either his old dovishness will alienate the LDP right or his new hawkishness will alienate the Japanese public.

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