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Fire and Ice: The Defence of Norway and NATO’s Northern Flank

Following an extended period in which Norway could focus its military efforts in the Middle East and Asia, Oslo is now having to face threats closer to home. NATO also has a major role in the defence of Norway and the surrounding region, but serious questions remain over the progress it has made in meeting the challenges on its northern flank.

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Bringing Local Back In: a reassessment of peacebuilding strategies in the DRC

There has been an emerging tension between liberal top-down peacebuilding and the growing belief that grassroots bottom up solutions are required alongside wider national level approaches. Intervention and peacebuilding in Africa have largely been shaped by militaristic, externally led, top-down approaches. These approaches have had varying degrees of success, with local populations often feeling alienated from peacebuilders and their externally imposed, ill-fitting intervention strategies. These interventions have historically shown a disregard for cultural context and local processes that are key to building sustainable peace during and after conflict.

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Where Does Egypt Stand in its Transition Towards Democracy?

June 2013 saw the second turnover in the Egyptian democratic transition when millions of people gathered on the streets of Cairo to demand an immediate resignation of the first democratically elected Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi. Morsi’s one year tenure was marked by increasing authoritarianism and islamisation, which were both reflected in the draft constitution introduced by the Morsi Government in November 2013 (the 2013 constitution).

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