The US and its coalition should look hard as its position in siding with an ally that fears a Kurdish State more than an Islamic one.
Read More »Middle East and North Africa
Womanhood in Iran: an ongoing struggle
As a Middle Eastern conservative nation, womanhood in the Islamic Republic of Iran is a constant struggle, one that the government tends to, often far too literally, cover up.
Read More »When EU companies work with Iran, they run the risk of providing the tools for oppression
There is no shortage of evidence of how in the past Western-supplied goods became tools of repression.
Read More »Saudi Arabia: an affront to religious freedom
Saudi Arabia is an affront to anyone who has regard for basic human rights and our silence in the face of such violations is a ghastly disgrace.
Read More »Tony Blair’s time as MidEast Quartet Representative was not a failure
Ultimately the odds were never in Mr Blair’s favour. He took on an impossible and thankless task
Read More »Israel and the Genocide Myth
Israelis appear to be the most incompetent genocidaires to ever walk this earth and are responsible for the only large-scale annihilation campaign in history where the victim population actually increased.
Read More »Classifying the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Due to the structure of the International Court of Justice it is unlikely that any case will be brought before it as both states would need to award the Court jurisdiction over the matter.
Read More »Israel and Hezbollah: Unintended Escalation Still Very Possible
Neither side really wants a full-scale war, but unintended escalation is very much possible.
Read More »Libya: The Greatest Betrayal
In the end a moderate pact of Libyans — and a united and forceful international response — is needed to save the country from the ledge from which it is currently leaning. It will take time, it will cost money and it will require long term planning. But inaction now will only lead to the need for action later.
Read More »Iran’s nuclear programme is a threat to the region and the world
Sunni Wahhabism or Shi’ite fundamentalism paired with nuclear weapons or access to nuclear material is a nightmare scenario of the worst sort.
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