We are pleased to announce that our submission to The House of Commons Defence Select Committee inquiry on the subject of “Intervention: When, Why and How” now features prominently in the much-awaited and substantive report published by Parliament today.
Read More »Perfidious Putin and the R2P Straw Man
As declared by Russia Today, Russian troops were deployed to Crimea ‘only to protect human rights’. The Crimean issue unfolding at present was compared to the secession of Kosovo, and daring to deny the illusory similarities between these two wildly different conflicts is described as ‘rewriting the rulebook’ on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine.
Read More »Robert Halfon MP: Western Intervention in Iraq saved a Nation from being Exterminated
Guest Contributor: Robert Halfon MP 20th January 2014 Robert recently visited Kurdistan in Northern Iraq with the All-Party Kurdistan Group. In this article he describes the three challenges facing the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). When people ask me if the Iraq ...
Read More »Not nearly enough of the President’s men: Obama’s Inaction is quietly devastating the Middle East
While the Middle East is going through one of the most turbulent periods in history, America is governed by one of the most, if not the most, risk-averse post-war Presidents. The consequences of this unfortunate match are devastating, far-reaching and long-lasting.
Read More »Guest Article: The Truth Behind Birth Defects in Iraq
Guest Contributor: Michael Shale 30th November 2013 The anti-depleted uranium movement sprung during the Balkan wars and has been central in anti-war outfits ever since. The anti-DU crowd capitalizes on public ignorance and fear about nuclear power to preach tales about depleted ...
Read More »Senior Fellow John Slinger: ‘Never again’ to ‘Always Prevent’
The recent Halabja commemoration proves that the ‘three Rs’ of remembrance, recognition and retelling are not enough. ‘Never again’ must become ‘always prevent’.‘From Denial To Recognition. From Destruction To Construction.
Read More »The Great Power of Human Rights is needed to make Intervention work
The most important eight words in so-called 'international law' are in Article 3 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which proclaims that all human beings are guaranteed 'the right to life, liberty and security of person.'
Read More »However History Will Judge the Iraq War, Liberal Interventionism is Back
Guest Contributor: Kenny Stevenson 28th August 2013 ‘Was the price too high?’ asked Kirsty Wark. ‘Of course the price is very, very high’, replied Tony, ‘but think of the price people paid before Saddam was removed’. Defiant as ever, Blair strolled ...
Read More »Robert Halfon MP: We must intervene in Syria – the arguments against doing so do not stack up
Guest Contributor: Robert Halfon MP 27th August 2013 There are always three and half arguments against intervention: first, that it is outside the framework of international law; second, that Realpolitik should be the order of the day; and third, ‘What ...
Read More »Russia: Janus-faced Middle East Policy
Since the end of the Cold War, Russia’s influence in the Middle East has been greatly undermined and its policy has changed in emphasis and intensity. While during the clash between the two superpowers – the US and the Soviet Union – the Middle East was part of its ideological battlefield
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