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HSC in the Media

The Human Security Centre and its staff are often published, featured and interviewed by UK and International media sources. Our fellows have written for a variety of publications ranging from the Guardian to the Spectator, and appear on the BBC, Channel 4  News, Sky News, Al Jazeera, CNN and outer news outlets.

Blair’s Blueprint – Islamism and Why the Middle East Matters

On Wednesday, 23 April, 2014, the HIC was invited to attend Tony Blair's keynote speech on the Middle East and North Africa at Bloomberg HQ, London. The central argument Blair made, which underpinned his later analysis, was the assertion that religious extremism - specifically radical Islam - is the single greatest threat to global security today and one which is not abating, but growing in reach, power and willingness to commit acts of incredible violence.

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Senior Fellow Jacob Campbell: In Syria, the West is Too Late the Hero

Senior Fellow Jacob Campbell's article published in The Algemeiner on Western Foreign Policy in Syria. When the Syrian Support Group, the fundraising wing of the Free Syrian Army, was set up in Washington DC, I joined it to volunteer my services. I did so because I was frustrated at the reluctance of Western governments to arm Syria’s freedom fighters against the tyrant, Bashar al-Assad.

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Senior Fellow John Slinger: Syria Needs Our Help, Not Pity

Senior Fellow John Slinger's article published in the Huffington Post, shows Kofi Annan's exit, stage left, symbolises not the death of diplomacy, which never had more than a walk-on part in this tragedy, but instead the triumph of cynical, nihilistic realpolitik over all that is represented by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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